Tuesday 15 October 2013

10 Foods that Fight Bloating & Flatten Your Stomach

10 Foods that Fight Bloating & Flatten Your Stomach

Combat & Prevent Bloating Symptoms with What You Eat

Food baby, water baby or PMS-related: bloating is uncomfortable, miserable, and can leave even the fittest feeling fat.  

Bloating is caused by excess fluid retention and/or trapped gas that accumulates in your digestive system.  

To fight bloating the natural way, take a two-pronged approach: avoid foods that most commonly cause it and start eating more foods that help fight bloating symptoms.   First, what to avoid: The most common culprits of bloating are salt (steer clear of packaged and other foods high in sodium), fatty foods, alcohol, raw vegetables, sugars and sugar substitutes, and carbonated beverages. And of course avoid foods to which you may be intolerant or allergic.

Now read on for a list of 10 foods to incorporate in your diet to help fight bloating, relieving gas build up and clearing your system of excess fluid.    

Eat Your Fiber
Fiber can help you maintain a healthy weight, make you feel fuller for longer, and if eaten properly, reduce bloating. This is because fiber can help aid digestion and keep you regular (you know what we mean). If you’re not going number two regularly, you’re constipated and can have excess gas buildup in the colon—aka bloating.  

If you’re not already a big fiber-eater, gradually increase your fiber intake to around 25 grams per day (a good target for women), or it may stress your digestive system and actually cause you to produce more gas.  

“Whole grains, veggies and fruits are great sources of fiber,” explains clinical dietitian Jocelyn Morante. Quinoa and oatmeal are among two of the best whole grains you should eat to fight bloating. Read on for the best high-fiber fruits and vegetables that will help you beat the bloat.    


Though it may seem counterintuitive, you can combat excess fluid retention by drinking plenty of water.  

Drinking water helps flush excess sodium and fluids from your body, and, like eating fiber, drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation (which leads to bloating).  

Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, and more if you’re working out (more helpful info on how much water to drink here).       

That fiber we were talking about earlier? Yeah, your average, raw strawberry is packed with it and, if eaten in moderation, can help promote digestion and fight bloating. Strawberries are also high in vitamin C, making them one of the top immunity boosting foods.

Add a few cut up strawberries to your oatmeal, lunchtime salad or afternoon snack.   Be sure to eat strawberries and other fruits in moderation, as they do have natural sugars, which if eaten in excess can cause gassiness and bloating.      


Bananas are full of potassium, which can help regulate your body’s sodium levels. That’s a good thing because too much sodium means excess fluid buildup.  

If you’re one of those people who gags at the thought of a banana (we know there are a lot of you out there), try potassium-rich alternatives like avocados, carrots, oranges and pistachios.       

Eating yogurt, which is loaded with probiotics, introduces good bacteria to your gut. This bacteria helps you better break down food and helps keep your digestive system moving and in balance.  

Tired of your usual plain yogurt afternoon snack? Try one of these flavorful recipes for healthy Greek yogurt dips and spreads.

If you’re lactose intolerant or if you’re sensitive to dairy and it causes you to bloat, you can take a probiotic supplement instead.      

Watermelon is, obviously, loaded with water. That makes it one of the go-to foods experts recommend to help flush out excess fluids from your system. And, like strawberries, watermelon’s nutrients can help boost for your immune system.    

Similar to watermelon, pineapples boast a high-water concentration that will help to flush excess fluids from your system. They also contain enzymes that help you better digest protein.   

Since pineapples are high in natural sugars, they are a fast-digesting food and can make a good pre-workout snack (check out other great pre-workout snack ideas here).

Boosting your fiber intake can help prevent and combat bloating, and eating spinach is a smart way to do that. Not only is spinach full of fiber, but it’s one of those incredible superfoods that can do so much more for your body as well. Think clearer skin, improved immune system, etc. (More here on which superfoods you should be eating).

Important note: Since eating raw vegetables can actually trigger bloating in some people, you’ll want to opt for cooked spinach as it’s easier for your digestive system to breakdown.       

Ginger or Peppermint Tea
These teas are great digestive aids that can help prevent bloating while also soothing an upset stomach, explains registered dietitian Jacqueline Aizen. Ginger is also believed to be a natural diuretic.  

Apart from decreasing stomach troubles, teas can be great for your health. Read here for more on the incredible health benefits of different types of tea.

Full of water, asparagus acts as a diuretic to rid your body of excess fluid, but it’s also great because it promotes the growth of good intestinal bacteria, which can help aid proper digestion.  

Monday 14 October 2013

10 Quick, Convenient No-Gym Workouts

10 Quick, Convenient No-Gym Workouts

Squeeze These Short Workouts Into Your Day & Skip the Gym

Taking an hour out of your day to get to the gym is sometimes just too big of a time commitment or just sounds like too daunting of a task. We totally get it. So instead try squeezing in shorter, convenient strength training and cardio workouts throughout your day (think at home or at work), so that you can get a great workout with even the busiest of schedules. Read on for 10 short, convenient expert-recommended workouts that you can easily squeeze into your day. Try sprinkling in several of these workouts over the course of a day in place of going to the gym—or for beginners, just doing one or two is a great way to begin easing into working out.

Several Short Workouts Are As Good as a Long Workout
If you’re concerned that smaller workouts won’t have the same impact as doing one longer workout at the gym, think again. “When it comes to achieving weight loss and aerobic fitness, studies seem to suggest that exercise accumulated in several short bouts has similar effects as exercise accumulated in one continuous bout,” explains internist Dr. Andrea Ruman. “That is, exercising for three 10-minute intervals during the day versus exercising for 30 minutes all at once derives the same benefits.”

Concerning long-term health benefits of exercise, short workouts get the job done as well. “At least four clinical trials have shown that several 10-minute bursts of exercise yield essentially the same benefits in blood pressure, weight, body fat, cholesterol levels, or cardiovascular fitness as the same total amount of exercise done in a single session,” explains registered dietitian Diane Preves.

Pre-Shower Cardio 
Before you shower in the morning, break a sweat with a quick cardio burst. Registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Martha McKittrick recommends jumping jacks, pushups and crunches for at least five minutes to get your heart racing and energy flowing before you start your day.

If you’d rather get in touch with your elementary school days, certified personal trainer Kimberly Garrison recommends jumping rope. “Bar none, the best cardiovascular exercise is the simple jump rope,” she explained. “The jump robe is a low impact, full body cardiovascular exercise that simply annihilates calories.” Start out with six minutes of jumping and workup from there. If you’re dealing with limited apartment space, try out the ropeless JumpSnap. More on that here: http://www.chickrx.com/articles/look-ma-no-rope

Teeth Brushing & Toe Raises 
While you’re brushing your teeth, McKittrick recommends multitasking by doing toe raises. Makes sense rather than standing there for two minutes, doesn’t it? To target and strengthen the calf muscles, stand with your feet a few inches apart, push down through your toes and lift your heels. Repeat until you have finished brushing those pearly whites.

Blow Drying & Squats 
Think of how long it takes to dry your hair: that’s valuable time you could be using to get in strength training. While blowdrying can totally make you feel the burn in your arms (so alternate arms as you dry to get an even workout), try adding squats to work your legs and butt, too. Standing with your legs hip-width apart, lower your glutes toward the floor. Be sure that your knees do not come over your ankles. From the seated position lift back up to standing and repeat until your hair is dry or your legs are shaking—which ever comes first.

Social Workouts
If you’re penciling time with your best friend or boyfriend, try opting for a fun exercise class, dance class, hike or even just a nice leisurely walk. “The key is to think of [working out] as supporting the lifestyle you want, making it part of the lifestyle you want, and not just a chore you have to do,” explains certified personal trainer Xin-min Lai. Working out with a friend is a great motivator, and if you’re already spending a part of your day with them, why not make it work double for you both?

Lunch Break 
To boost your energy for the afternoon, schedule in a brief 10-minute workout during your lunch break. If your building has stairs, try running or walking the stairs a few times, which will really get your heart pumping. If not, go for a brisk walk outside. The cardio and fresh air will help prep your mind to tackle your afternoon projects.

Office Chair Swap: Stabilizer Ball 
We must admit, when we first saw them we thought they looked ridiculous too, but that’s before we considered their benefits. Because stabilizer balls aren’t as rigid as chairs, sitting on the ball requires you to strengthen your core, improve your posture and strengthen your back. Research has already shown that sitting at a desk all day may have detrimental effects on your health (i.e., risk of Type 2 diabetes), so sitting on a stabilizer ball instead of a regular chair might not seem like too crazy of an idea after all.

Chair Dips 
If you’re having a brain freeze over a difficult project or assignment, or just killing time at home, take a few minutes and do a few chair dip reps. As certified personal trainer Katie Humphrey explains, chair dips are beneficial for building muscle tone and strengthening your arms (and are awesome considering how little equipment they require).

To do a chair dip, sit on the edge of your seat, grabbing the edges with both hands at a shoulder width apart. Lift your butt off the seat and walk your feet forward, making sure your knees don’t bend past your toes. Keep your shoulders back and chest up and slowly lower your butt toward the floor. Stop when your arms reach a 90-degree angle. Straighten and repeat.

Solo Dance Party 
People often forget that some of the most fun things in life are actually great workouts. Case in point: dancing. Crank up your iPod and get moving. Even if you do this in the privacy of your own home, you may still feel silly at first. But embrace it, because pretty soon you’ll be breaking a sweat and having an awesome time—not to mention pumping up your heart rate and burning calories. We highly recommend it to energize you before a night out with friends or to shake off the nerves before a first date.

TV Time
Who says spending time watching TV can’t benefit you? While you’re catching up on your favorite show, do several sets of wall sits instead of slouching on the couch. “This is a great exercise for the butt, hips and thighs,” says certified personal trainer Kimberly Garrison. “Press your back up against the wall and slide down until you look like you’re sitting in a chair. Try that for 90 seconds. You’ll see what I’m talking about.”

Couch time is also a great time to fit in an upper body workout. Grab your small weights (or even cans from your pantry) and see how many bicep curls, shoulder raises and tricep kickback you can fit in during commercial breaks.

Bedtime Planks
Before hitting the sheets, take a minute to plank. Planks benefit your core, arms and back, and they’re even one of the top calorie blasting yoga moves. Starting in a full push-up position, align your spine in a straight line. Support yourself with either your palms flat against the floor under your shoulders or with your forearms resting on the floor (elbows under your shoulders). Concentrate on breathing deeply and tightening your core for support. Set a timer on your phone and see how long you can hold the plank position (shoot for 30-60 seconds). Believe it or not, you’ll even likely find yourself looking forward to your nightly challenge.

11 Crunch-Free Ab Workouts

11 Crunch-Free Ab Workouts

No-Equipment Abdominal Exercises

Throw out those boring, stale crunches and mix up your ab routine with some of our experts’ favorite stomach tightening moves. Create your own routine by picking and choosing from the moves below, shooting for a 10 to 15-minute long session. Pair this with healthy eating, and all you need to see a real difference in your waistline are two to three sessions per week (on non-consecutive days). Vary it up: choose different moves each time you do your ab workout to keep things interesting and to continue challenging your core’s different muscles!

The Plank
Begin by lying flat on your stomach on a mat. Get into position by placing your forearms on the mat and lifting up so that your shoulders are right over your elbows. Extend your legs out behind you and balance your weight on the backs of your forearms and the tips of your toes. Be sure to not arch your back or lift your hips too high from the mat—your body should maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.

Certified personal trainer Kimberly Garrison recommends beginning by holding the position for at least 10 seconds and work your way up to 60 to 90 seconds. Repeat for three sets.

Side Plank 
side plank
On a mat, begin on your right side with your legs straight and stacked one on top of the other. Extend your right arm so that you are supporting yourself on your right elbow, which is aligned under your shoulder. Putting your left hand on your left hip, keep your body straight with your hips elevated off the ground.

Garrison recommends beginning by holding the position for at least 10 seconds and work your way up to 60 to 90 seconds. Switch to left side and repeat. Repeat for three sets on each side.

Leg Raises
leg raises
Begin on your back, with hands flat under your butt (for extra support) or to either side of your hips, extending both legs toward the ceiling with your feet flexed. Slowly lower both flexed legs to the floor until they are about six inches from touching the floor. Be sure to really engage your core as you lower your legs. Raise both legs back to starting position. Garrison recommends repeating for three sets of 10 to 25 reps.

Seated Russian Twist
seated russian twist
Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs straight in front of you. Lean back slightly—be sure to keep your back straight (don’t round your spine). Extend your arms straight out in front of you with your hands side-by-side and bend your knees so that your feet touch the mat. Tightening your core, slowly twist out to one side, then slowly twist back to the center. Inhale at the center point and then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Repeat three sets of 12 reps. To increase intensity, you can hold a medicine ball or a weight in your hands (as pictured).

Vertical Scissors 
vertical scissors
Begin on your back and extend your arms so they’re against your body with your palms flat on the mat. Lift both legs up about a foot off of the floor, concentrating on tightening your abs so your lower back is flat against the mat. Lower one leg down to the ground until it is a few inches from touching. Slowly raise this leg back up to the ceiling, while lowering the other leg toward the mat, creating a scissor motion. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 8-12 reps each.

Horizontal Scissors
Similar to the vertical scissors except this move goes side to side instead of up and down. Begin in the same starting position as the vertical scissors, raise both legs about six inches off the floor. Spread your legs apart, then bring them back together again, crossing your right foot over your left. Open your legs again, and when you return them back together, cross your left foot over your right. That’s one rep. Do three sets of 8-12 reps each.

The Roll-Up
roll up ab workout
Begin on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your shoulders flat on the ground and hold the backs of your thighs. Curling your chin to your chest, lift your shoulders off of the mat, reach your hands forward and try to touch your toes as you continually roll up and straighten your legs forward. Bend your knees back to the bent position and roll your back down slowly to beginning position. Repeat five times.

Double Ballerina Leg Lift
double ballerina
Beginning sitting on your mat, extend your legs keeping your thighs together and toes pointed. Lean back with your forearms on the mat and palm flat with fingers forward. Raise one arm overhead while leaving the other on the mat. Use your abs to twist your torso to the left while lifting both legs 45-degrees in the air. Return to forward center, lower your legs and repeat on opposite side. This is one rep. Do 10 reps for three sets.

The Hundred
the hundred ab workout
Lay on your back with your toes pointed and knees bent at a 90-degree angle (shins parallel to the floor). Straighten your arms at your sides with your palms flat on the floor. Curl your chin to your chest and lift your shoulders and head off the floor while tightening your core to keep your lower back against the ground. Raise your arms off the mat and above your hips. Keeping them straight, hold the position and pump your arms up and down for 10 seconds. Return to beginning position and repeat for 10 reps.

The Toe Dip 
toe dip workout
Starting on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and shins parallel to the floor, straighten your arms at your sides with your palms down. Hold one leg in this position and slowly lower the other foot toward the mat (keeping the leg being lowered bent at a 90 degree angle). Lower your foot as close to the ground as possible (without touching it), then slowly raise your leg back up to the starting position and repeat on the opposite leg. This completes one rep. Repeat for five reps.

Side Imprint
side imprint exercise
Standing with your feet shoulders width apart, left hand on your left hip, raise your right arm above your head. Shifting your weight onto your left leg, rotate out your right leg at the hip so that your toes are turned outward. Raise your right knee up as you crunch your right elbow down to meet it. Make sure you’re squeezing your waist and isolating your obliques as you perform this motion. Then slowly return to starting position. Do 10 on one side, then 10 on the other. Repeat three times.

What's the best way to get a flatter stomach?

The best way to get a flatter stomach is an exercise I call table push-backs. That is, push baaack from the table and stop stuffing your face. Contrary to the latest infomercial, you won't get flat abs by using the latest and greatest ab contraption. The secret to flat abs is your diet. That right: It's 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise.
You can do a million crunches until you're blue in the face and that lovely muffin top will remain covering your toned abs until you change your diet and start to eat clean. A clean diet means eat everything closest to its natural state (so skip commercial snack foods...donuts, cakes, cookies, chips--even the organic ones, processed foods, high-fat salad dressings, all fried foods, fast foods, alcohol, soda, sugary juice...you get the idea). Eating a quality diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat proteins (in the appropriate amounts) is the best way to get better abs and a better body overall.
As far as exercise goes, cardio is primarily for toning the heart muscle and burning fat; strength training is for toning muscle (through body weight exercises, free weight training, kettle bells, weight machines). Get in a good cardio workout most days a week, and make sure to do toning exercises that also target your abs. Try to do toning exercises at least two to three times a week on non-consecutive days.
Here are some good ab-toning exercises you can do at home (do what you can, but try to work your way up to doing more reps and holding the positions for longer amounts of time):
Plank: Lie on your stomach on a mat. Then get into position by placing your forearms onto the mat and lifting up so that your shoulders are right over your elbows. Then extend your legs behind you and rest your weight on the tip of your toes (like if you were doing a pushup) and your forearms. Make your body from your shoulders to your toes a straight line (don't lift your hips too high or arch your back). Keep your abs tight and hold this position as long as you can without bending your back. Try to hold it at least 10 seconds, and gradually work your way up to holding it for 60 to 90 seconds. Take a break and then repeat two more times, for a total of three sets.
Side Plank: This is similar to the regular plank, but done on your side. So get on your right side, with your legs straight and stacked one on top of the other. Extend your right arm so that you are propped up on your elbow, which should be lined up under your shoulder. Put your left hand on your left hip. Keep your body straight, not allowing your hips to dip towards the ground. Keep your breathing steady. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds (try to work up to 90 seconds eventually). Switch sides and repeat. Do three sets on each side.
Leg Raises: Lie flat on your back, and extend both legs toward the ceiling with your feet flexed (as if you were standing on the ceiling). Slowly lower both flexed legs toward the floor, and once they get about six inches from the floor, slowly raise them back up to starting position. Place your hands under your buttocks for extra spinal support. Do three sets of 10 to 25 reps.
Results will vary from person to person, but if you follow these guidelines, most people will see visible improvements within a month, no matter what their fitness level.

Here are 7 great tips for clean eating

Clean eating requires focus. There are several things to be aware of.
Here are 7 great tips for clean eating:
1- Choose foods from fresh sources
2- Choose foods without packaging
3- For the things that must come in packages, be sure to choose more natural packaging.
  a- An example is a food containing fat, like olive oil. Olive oil is 100% fat and yet is healthful for us because it's monounsaturated fat. BUT, to ensure you are getting an unadulterated product, choose olive oil in glass bottles only, not plastic. Be aware of the toxicity in all plastic materials. The rational is that a substance like olive oil with a high fat content is likely to pull or extract any toxicity in from plastic material or a plastic bottle. This simply can't happen with glass. Also think about meat products with a high fat content... they should be wrapped in wax paper and not a toxic plastic film or plastic bag.
4- Use extra virgin olive oil on already prepared vegetables instead of butter whenever you can.
5- Prepare your own meals at home and eat out less. You can be far more conscious of what is used in each dish.
6- Steam vegetables more than other methods of cooking.
7- If you must saute foods, use coconut oil (solid at room temp) for sauteing. It can better stand up to the high heat and is less likely to oxydize while cooking.

What You Need to Know to Get Slimmer Thighs

What You Need to Know to Get Slimmer Thighs

Expert-Recommended Tips to Tone Your Thighs

The thighs are a fairly common trouble spot for women of all shapes and sizes. While there’s no magic pill to get you Carrie Underwood thighs over night, there are ways that you can tone and trim without adding bulk. Follow our four expert-recommended tips and before you know it you'll find your thigh confidence skyrocketing.

Tighten Up Your Nutrition
When you’re looking to tone and shape an area of your body, the first step you need to take is to banish the layer of fat lying above the muscle. To help trim fat, make sure you’re getting lots of lean protein (grilled fish, white meat poultry, low fat yogurt) and veggies—at least five a day. Don’t forget to get enough healthy fats, and stay away from sugary carbs and processed foods (we’re looking at you, cupcake).

Get Your Heart Racing
By now it probably seems like worn-out advice, but cardio really is your best friend when it comes to toning up those thunder thighs (or any part of your body, for that matter). When you pair it with a clean, healthy diet, cardio is going to help you shed the fat hiding your thigh muscles.

Switching up your exercise routine helps challenge your body—and keeps you from getting bored. Registered dietitian Anita Mirchandani recommends high intensity interval training (alternate between moderate and high-paced intervals throughout your workout), which she explains is highly effective in metabolizing fat. Running or dancing-based workouts are also great options.

When you’re not hitting the gym, incorporate healthy behaviors into your daily routine. Take the stairs, try working from your computer standing up, and park in those spots farthest from the door. Small changes can make a big impact in the long run.

Feel the Burn
The third element of the slim and shapely thigh trifecta is strength training. Katie Humphrey, certified personal trainer and health and empowerment coach recommends a thigh-tailored workout of lunges, squats, plies and deadlifts. The best part of Katie's workout? These exercises can all be done at home. Each one should be performed for 15+ repetitions; do at least three sets and use little or no weight. If you want to be an overachiever, Humphrey recommends increasing the number of reps you do while lowering the resistance.

1. Lunges: Start with both feet together, then slowly step one leg forward allowing both knees to bend so that the forward leg is parallel to the floor and the knee of the rear leg almost touches the floor. Next, slowly push off with your forward leg,using the glutes and hamstrings to step back together. Be sure you are steppingout far enough so that your leg muscles, like the quads, hamstrings, glutes and inner thighs, are doing most of the work (not your knees).

2. Squats: Stand with legs hip-width apart, then lower your glutes toward the floor. When lowering yourself, be sure to really "sit back" so your knees don't come over your ankles. Once you are in a low, seated position, lift up to return to your original standing position.

3. Plies: Perform these just like squats, but start with your legs further apart and with your toes turned out about 45 degrees. Be sure that when you "squat," your knees face the same direction as your toes.

4. Dead lifts: Hold weights with palms facing your legs, feet about hip-width apart and bend over with your legs straight and back flat. Lower as far as you can and return to starting position while squeezing your
 gluteal muscles.

Don’t Believe the Rumors
It’s a common misconception that if you strength train, your muscles will only get bigger and bulkier as they gain muscle mass. It’s not true—don’t be afraid to work those thighs. “Women have to work pretty hard to increase muscle size,” said Xin-min Lai, certified personal trainer. “What will happen with strength training is the muscle you do have will be stronger and shapelier.”

Trust us, you won’t be hulking out anytime soon. You will, however, soon be prancing around in those cute shorts you've been eyeing for months. 

Saturday 12 October 2013

21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T-Shirt This Summer

21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T-Shirt This Summer

collage1 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Next to blue jeans and Chuck Taylors, there’s nothing quite as all-American as the humble white T-shirt. It’s versatile, it’s cool, and it’s a piece that’s able to be worn any day of the year, in any season. That said, there’s something about summer that makes the white tee especially necessary, as it can anchor statement pieces such as wildly-printed shorts or colored jeans, add a casual element to silky, beaded, or even sequin skirts, or simply just convey a sense of summer ease with a pair of blue denim cutoff shorts or a basic pair of overalls.
Whether you’re partial to standard cotton crewnecks (hello, Hanes), the paper-thin slouchy styles made popular by designers such as Alexander Wang or Kimberly Ovitz, or whatever you’re able to steal from your boyfriend’s closet, we’ve highlighted  21 stylish ways to wear your plan white T-shirt this summer!
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Fashion Salade
Photo via Pinterest
ascot friday
Photo via Ascot Friday
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Pinterest
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Pinterest
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via We Wore What
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Karla’s Closet
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Pinterest
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via They All Hate Us
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via A Clothes Call
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via SocialBliss
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via She Inside
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Sincerely Jules
ArtSymphony_The White Tee (9)
Photo via Art Symphony
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via Pinterest
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer
Photo via ArtSymphony_The White Tee (25)Photo via Art Symphony
 21 Stylish Ways To Wear A Plain White T Shirt This Summer

Friday 4 October 2013

10 Tricks to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

10 Tricks to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

dark circles
Nothing frustrates us more than dark circles. Even after layers of  the best concealer and strategic use of highlighter, some dark circles just won’t quit. As much as we love makeup, covering up the problem doesn’t exactly help to get rid of it (concealer is essentially sweeping dark circles under the rug).
To help you work on correcting dark circles, we’ve pulled together some of the best tricks out there. Once you know what causes them, you’ll be better prepared for how to fix them. Read on below!
1. Change your diet: If you’ve got excessive puffiness under your eyes, which casts a shadow and makes it look like you’ve got crescent moon-shaped darkness south of your bottom lash line, take a good look at what you’re putting into your body. Salty foods and alcohol cause extreme bloat, so when you cut these out, your skin will be able to rest easy without puffing up. Plus, getting rid of bloat will ease your entire body, not just your eyes.
2. Stop rubbing your eyes: Ever notice how friction with your shoes can make lasting dark marks on your feet? The same deal goes with your eyes if you’re constantly rubbing them. Friction causes skin pigmentation to darken, so if you’re constantly rubbing your eyes, you’re not doing yourself any favors.
MORE: The Best Eye Treatments for Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles and More
3. Sleep propped up: When you’re laying down flat, fluids can build up underneath your eyes. Prop yourself up with an extra pillow or two during the night so that the fluid drains down, taking the excess away from your eye area.
4. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen: If the skin underneath your eyes is dark all on its own, don’t take chances on it becoming darker with age. Every day (yes, sun, rain or snow), apply SPF 30 underneath your eyes but avoid actual contact with your eye. The sun can darken the pigmentation around your eye area, making the dark circles worse as you get older.
5. Use your ring finger: When you apply concealer or makeup (or makeup remover) with your fingers, use your ring fingers as they’re the weakest of the bunch. Like we mentioned above, less friction is better, so using your weak finger will be much more gentle on your eye area.
6. Cool tea bags: After you’ve finished brewing a cup of tea, put the left over tea bags into the refrigerator for 10 minutes or so to cool them off, then lay down and set the bags over your eyes. Not only will this relax you and force you to rest your eyes for about 15 minutes, but the cool tea bags will also relieve the skin around your eyes, reducing swelling and discoloration.
7. Get a retinoid cream: Retinoids are great for all over your skin, but especially around your eyes because they help to even out discoloration and boost collagen to reduce fine lines. After continued regular use, your skin will look brighter and smoother.
MORE: GlamGlow’s New Brightmud Eye Treatment Gets Rid of Dark Circles
8. Try a neti pot: If your eyes are puffy as a result of allergies or a cold, using a neti pot in your nose will help to get rid of the fluid build up happening around your eyes.
Stop making excuses for not taking your makeup off: Leaving your makeup on while you sleep will only irritate your eyes and cause fluids to rush to that area. Even if all you have on is mascara or concealer, clear your skin at night and use a retinoid cream afterwards. If you’re really lazy, keep a pack of makeup wipes at your nightstand so you won’t have any excuses.
Freeze a spoon for the morning: Dip two metal spoons in water and immediately place in your freezer at night. In the morning, take out the spoons and lay the rounded side against your eyes for about five or ten minutes before you get ready. The cold will help to reduce puffiness and relax the skin before you apply any makeup.

101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know

101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know

Posted by , on January 2, 2013 at 8:00 am

tips 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
When it comes to fashion and style, it sometimes seems that everyone and their mother (literally!) have tried-and-true tips and tricks they absolutely swear by. Some are useful, while others … well, not so much. With that in mind, we’ve culled 101 of the best from the best: designers, lifestyle experts and, of course, our staff. Trust us: With these gems, you’ll be well on your way to living your most stylish life.
101. Despite what it says on the tag, cashmere is best washed by hand. To dry it, use a salad spinner, which releases excess water in seconds.
100. Use white wine to remove red wine stains.
99. Wash new jeans twice before taking them to the tailor. Why? Because jeans will always shrink in length when washed.
98. To stop angora or mohair from shedding, fold the garment and place it into a zip-top bag and freeze it for at least three hours.
97. Remove odors from vintage or thrift clothing by spritzing them with a mixture of one part vodka, two parts water.
96. “Remove white deodorant marks from a garment by gently rubbing the protective foam used on hangers against the fabric.” — Jonathan Simkhai, designer
95. If you get an oil stain on your favorite handbag, coat the mark with baby powder and let it stand overnight. By morning, the stain should be gone. If a bit still remains, repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.
94. The best at-home method to keep diamonds sparkling: liquid dishwasher detergent and an old toothbrush.
93. The secret to well-fitting everyday clothes is Lycra. The formulas to look for: 95% cotton/5% Lycra spandex for T-shirts, and at least 2% Lycra for jeans to hold their shape.
92. “Always organize your clothes going light to dark from left to right in your closet. Your eye will follow the color and thus help you stay organized.” — Melanie Charlton Fascitelli, Founder, Clos-ette and Clos-ette Too.
90. Wondering about the quality of your cashmere? Gently stretch the body of the garment to see if it snaps back. A lower-quality cashmere won’t.
jcrew 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via J. Crew
89. “If you don’t have time to try on jeans in the store, try the Neck Method: You can determine your size by placing the waistline of the jeans around the diameter of your neck. If the waistline of the pant comfortably meets at back of your neck, then the jeans will fit.”— Sarah Ahmed, Creative Director, DL1961 Premium Denim
88. Cut down your closet by 25% by asking yourself this one question: “If I were shopping right this second, would I buy this?” If the answer’s no, out it goes. — Melanie Charlton Fascitelli, Founder, Clos-ette and Clos-ette Too.
87. “Never put your swimwear in the washing machine, and always hand dry. The machine will damage the suit and it will lose its elasticity. The only exception: At the end of the summer or vacation, wash your swimwear in lingerie washing bags on the gentle cycle with a bit if Drift or Woolite. But only after many wears.” —Shoshanna Gruss, Designer
86. To drop bloat five days before a big event, stay away from dairy and whole grains, which can do a number on the digestive system.
85. While fake designer bags are a huge don’t, fake diamond studs are a huge do. Faux stones are hard to spot to the untrained eye.
84. Dressy occasions aren’t the time to play with trends, so know your silhouette and stick to it to always look your best. Perfect example: Sofia Vergara knows she looks good in mermaid dresses, and always chooses variations of the shape on red carpets.
83. “Never put a garment on immediately after ironing, as this can actually cause new wrinkles to form. Instead, let it sit for five minutes to set the press.” — Althea Harper, Designer and Rowenta Brand Ambassador
82. The best way to de-fuzz a sweater: use a pumice stone.
81. Snap clip-on earrings onto flats for an instant evening shoe, or onto shirt collars for DIY embellishments.
80. If you get wax on a piece of clothing, layer wax paper over the hardened wax and then run an iron over it to loosen it up. Once you pull off the paper, the wax should come right out with it.
79. Pour a dash of vodka into vase water to extend the life of your flowers.
78. Spray tights with sticky (read: cheap) hairspray to avoid holes and runs.
77. To clean dirt off suede, remove the crust from a piece of bread and allow it to become stale. Gently rub dirt and stains with the edge of the stale bread, and they’ll disappear. To de-scuff suede, use an eraser or nail file.
suede1 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
76. Shopping for a wedding dress or another big-event outfit? Head to the store with makeup on, proper undergarments, and your hair semi-done to get a better sense of how it’ll look.
75. Double-stick tape work to shorten a hem in a pinch if you can’t get to the tailor before an event.
74. Blot, don’t rub, when you spill something on your clothes. Wiping or rubbing will actually further ingrain the stain into the weave.
73. “Panty lines are not okay! Every woman should invest in nude, seamless underwear.” — Giuliana Rancic, HSN designer and E! host
72. If you don’t feel like trying on a dress but still want to see where the hem will hit you, align the shoulder seam exactly with your shoulder bone (not your collarbone).
71. Repurpose old or thrift sweaters and blankets by using them to reupholster a throw pillow, a chair seat or cover a stool.
70. “Use hairspray to remove a lipstick stain.” – Kaelen Haworth, designer, KAELEN
69. Add a 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar to the final rinse cycle while doing laundry to maintain the wash of your favorite pair of dark jeans.
68. To stretch tight shoes, fill two freezer bags with water and place into each shoe. Let it freeze overnight. As the water freezes, it’ll gently expand your shoes.
67. Frame vintage scarves for cool original artwork.
framed 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via The Urban Slant
66. Due to its high level of surfactants, Dawn dish detergent is especially successful at removing grease and oil stains from clothing. 65. “A flattering silhouette begins with the right underpinnings. Never underestimate the power of Spanx—they’re a girl’s best friend!” — Lucy Sykes Rellie, Fashion Director, Rent the Runway
64. Revamp an old coat by swapping out the buttons and having a tailor replace the lining with something eye-catching, like a pattern or a bright color.
63. When getting jeans shortened, always ask your tailor to reattach the original hem. It may cost extra, but it’s worth it.
62. If blush or bronzer breaks in your handbag, pre-moistened makeup removing wipes will clean up the loose powder flawlessly.
61. Break in stiff or too-snug shoes by slipping them on with socks and blasting your feet with a hot hairdryer.
shoes 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via Coffee, Light & Sweet
60. Hang a shoe bag on the back of your bathroom door and use it to hold makeup, toiletries, brushes, hair ties, etc.
59. A vintage trunk not only makes a stylish coffee table, but it can also house shoes and clothing you rarely wear.
58. “To remove watermarks from leather boots, add a few drops of vinegar to a bowl of cool water and scrub the stains with a soft bristle brush until stains are no longer visible. Let dry overnight.” — Daryl Carr, Marketing Coordinator, Stetson
57. To stop squeaky shoes, remove the insole and apply Vaseline or WD-40 before replacing it.
56. To determine if pearls are real, lightly rub them over your teeth. Fake pearls will be perfectly smooth, and real ones will feel slightly gritty or textured.
55. When you’re shopping for a jacket, coat, or blazer, pay attention to the fit around the shoulders. While a tailor can tweak pretty much everything about the fit of a jacket—from tapering the waist to shortening it—they can’t change the shoulders. Make sure the seams sit perfectly at the bony tops of your shoulders.
54. Chic up a sporty puffer vest by cinching the waist with a skinny belt.
53. Unless they’re cropped or tapered, pant hems should just graze the tops of your shoes and be from 1/2-inch to 3/4-inch off the floor.
52. Always dry-clean coats before storing them, and place on cedar hangers inside cloth garment bags. This preserves the fabric and keeps moths away.
51. If you have a small closet, never keep your shoes in clunky shoeboxes. Instead, always line up them on the floor.
50. Going to a winter wedding or formal event? Try wearing a sleeveless fur vest as a top, cinching it with a skinny belt or piece of ribbon and pairing it with a floor-length skirt.
49. How to care for fur at home: “Pass the fur with a hairbrush and steam it for added bounce, volume and shine.” —Eran Elfassy, Co-Creative Director, Mackage
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Photo via Caroline’s Mode
48. “Marquise ring shapes help to create the illusion of longer, more slender fingers, even on small wide hands. Pear or oval stones are also flattering.” — Carol Brodie, Fine Jewelry Designer, HSN’s Rarities: Fine Jewelry with Carol Brodie
47. Everyday bras should be replaced every three to six months, as that’s when they start to lose elasticity and support.
46. Ideally, a pencil skirt should hit just at the top of your knee. Any lower and it will start to shorten your leg.
45. Pants a bit too tight? Let them air dry and stretch the waistband by hand (or with a hairdryer) while they’re still damp.
44. Still look chic while showing some skin: If you’re wearing a miniskirt or shorts, cover up on top. If your top is skimpy, go for full-coverage bottoms.
45. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-fitting, stylish winter coat. You can be wearing pajamas underneath and you’ll still look perfectly put together.
44. Windex restores the glossy sheen on patent leather without doing any damage.
43. Fold jeans like a pro: Lay jeans on a flat surface, fold in half from left to right. Grab the stacked jean legs and fold them in half so the hem of the jeans lines up with the waistband. Fold the jeans in half one more time.
denim 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Peggy Wong/Citizens of Humanity
42. The power of a silk pillowcase isn’t a myth: Not only do they prevent “sleep crease,” they’re much, much gentler on your skin and hair.
41. “The best way to store fashion jewelry, including Sterling Silver, is in Ziploc bags. This helps pieces retain luster and reduces tarnishing and scratches.”—Jordann Weingartner, Founder, I Love Jewelry Auctions
40. If the garment you’re ironing has delicate buttons or detailing, cover them with the bowl of a metal spoon and press the surrounding fabric.
39. Don’t buy items you know you won’t properly care for. For example, if you know you’re never going to hand-wash that delicate cami or beaded sweater, don’t buy it.
38. “Pair flirty, feminine dresses with masculine spectator shoes for an effortless and unexpected look.” — Gabriella Perezutti, Designer, Candela
37. To achieve the perfectly effortless cuffed sleeve, keep the top button (which is called the gauntlet) buttoned while you roll.
m d lawson 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via M.D. Lawson
36. V-neck sweaters and tees give the illusion of a longer torso.
35. Spritzed a bit too much perfume on yourself this morning? Use unscented, oil-based makeup remover to remove excess perfume.
34. Tend to wear certain leather shoes without socks? Always stuff them with a soft cloth when you’re done wearing them. This absorbs moisture and help the shoes keep their shape.
33. “Hoop earrings are a classic style that every woman—regardless of age—should have, but the type depends on your face. If you have a thin face, go for larger round or embellished hoops. If you have a round face an elongated hoop or drop style is best.” Elena Kiam, Creative Director, Lia Sophia
32. Freeze jeans inside a plastic bag for two days to zap odor without running them through the washing machine.
31. Looking for an easy trick to make your bare legs look longer? Try pumps the same color of your skin, which gives give the illusion that your legs extend a few extra inches.
30. Wrap an empty bottle of your favorite perfume in a handkerchief and tuck it into your underwear drawer for a subtle scent.
29. Heat can warp your glasses frames, so always keep them in a hard case and never wear them on your head on a hot day.
28. Spray shirts prone to sweat stains with lemon juice before washing. The natural acid dissolves alkaline sweat reside that could cause yellow discoloration.
27. “It’s a myth that loose styles flatter a large bust or a plus-size woman. The area just under the bust is a woman’s smallest torso measurement, so emphasizing it with a structured waistband that hits higher than your natural waist will make you look a size smaller. —BG Krishnan, President, eShakti.com
26. Use shaving cream and a washcloth to remove liquid makeup from shirt collars.
25. A modern trick to looking like the most effortlessly stylish girl in the room: Pair dressy bottoms (a velvet maxi, a leather or beaded skirt, silk pants) with a worn gray crew-neck sweatshirt or T-shirt.
alex 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via The Hipster Style
24. When it doubt, always choose the smaller denim size, since jeans stretch with wear.
23. “Never dry a wet shoe with heat. Let it dry naturally in open air. Heat will dry out leather and the lifespan of the shoe will be cut in half.” —Jordan Adoni, Designer, Modern Vice
22. The easiest way to make your closet look organized: Buy all the same hangers for everything–same color, same shape.
21. Before bed, pour two or three tablespoons of baking soda into sweaty workout sneakers and tilt the shoe to distribute the soda evenly. This will eat any odor and absorb perspiration.
20. “For guaranteed weight loss, I advise people to follow my A, B, C’s – no Alcohol, Bread or processed Carbs.”—David Kirsch, celebrity trainer and fitness guru.
19. To prevent clothing from wrinkling in a suitcase, fold everything in plastic dry cleaning bags.
18. If you can’t fit two fingers underneath your bra band comfortably, it’s probably too tight.
17. Pile on good accessories—scarves, sunglasses, hats, statement jewelry—to instantly transform even the most basic outfit.
elle 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via Elle.com
16. Confused about laundry settings? Remember this: The hotter the water, the cleaner the clothing will be. While warm water is fine for most clothes, linens and dirty white clothing are best washed in hot water to remove germs and heavy soil. Cold water is usually used for delicates.
15. A structured hat should rest about 1/8 to a 1/2-inch above the ears.
14. After a shower, use your hairdryer to de-mist bathroom mirrors in seconds.
13. A good tip when cleaning out your closet: Ask a friend whose style you admire to come over and help. She/he might offer new insight on how to wear certain items before you toss them.
12. It might sound “budget,” but a hot glue gun works amazingly well to hem skirts, pants and even jeans in a pinch.
11. Looking for uses for all the single socks you’ve amassed while doing laundry? When you’ve got aches or pains, fill a sock with dry beans or rice and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Voila, an instant (and free) heating pad.
10. Wear your new real leather jacket in the rain to break it in. Water will soften up the leather and allow it to stretch and crease at specific points on your body.
leather 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
Photo via FOUREYES
9. Who has the time to hand wash bras? Machine wash them in cold water in a mesh zipper bag and drape them over a hanger to air dry.
8. Use a lemon wedge to remove excess or streaky self-tanner.
7. Track lighting is possible even for the tiniest closet: Buy a track kit, screw it into the ceiling, run the wire down the wall and plug it into the nearest outlet. Not only will you see all your clothes better, but you’ll feel like you have a more luxurious closet.
6. Invest in silk or satin pillowcases to keep your hair from breaking during the night. (They also keep your skin looking smoother than rough cotton cases!)
5. If you’re unsure about an impulse or sale purchase, leave it at the store. If you’re still thinking about it when you wake up the next day, buy it.
4. Have a sequin garment you don’t wear anymore? Remove the sequins and sprinkle them into a vase of flowers. Gorgeous!
flower 101 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know
3. A good shoemaker can fully rebuild your favorite pair, even if the arch is cracked.
2. To coax a loose thread back into place, gently tug at the stitches to the sides of the pull as well as above and below.
1. There’s nothing cooler than sticking to a signature style you know looks good on you. Slaves to fashion are never chic!