Monday 14 October 2013

Here are 7 great tips for clean eating

Clean eating requires focus. There are several things to be aware of.
Here are 7 great tips for clean eating:
1- Choose foods from fresh sources
2- Choose foods without packaging
3- For the things that must come in packages, be sure to choose more natural packaging.
  a- An example is a food containing fat, like olive oil. Olive oil is 100% fat and yet is healthful for us because it's monounsaturated fat. BUT, to ensure you are getting an unadulterated product, choose olive oil in glass bottles only, not plastic. Be aware of the toxicity in all plastic materials. The rational is that a substance like olive oil with a high fat content is likely to pull or extract any toxicity in from plastic material or a plastic bottle. This simply can't happen with glass. Also think about meat products with a high fat content... they should be wrapped in wax paper and not a toxic plastic film or plastic bag.
4- Use extra virgin olive oil on already prepared vegetables instead of butter whenever you can.
5- Prepare your own meals at home and eat out less. You can be far more conscious of what is used in each dish.
6- Steam vegetables more than other methods of cooking.
7- If you must saute foods, use coconut oil (solid at room temp) for sauteing. It can better stand up to the high heat and is less likely to oxydize while cooking.

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